
Our PO Box will no longer be in use from October 2024. Kindly direct all your mails to our office address at 134 Braddell Road, Singapore 359919. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding.
我們的郵政信箱2024年十月以后即將作廢,請將所有信件寄至我們辦公室地址:134 Braddell Road, Singapore 359919。謝謝!我們對帶來的不便深感歉意!

Empowering the Nationals
To Reach the Unreached
Equipping For the Future
Evangelism Through Holistic Approach
Children Ministry
Spearhead ministry that brings about transformation to the second generation Christians.
University Student Ministry
To develop Christian leaders in the middle class of the society in each country.
Training Ministry
We equip the next generation of indigenous Christian leaders to fulfill the Great Commission within their own social, cultural and national contexts.
Unreached People and Places
To win the unreached people group, fulfilling the Great Commission of the Lord.
Holistic Ministry
To bring about the development and transformation of the Christian community through a holistic approach.