Professional Equipper

As we step into Missions in the 21st Century, it is clear that a new wave of missions has emerged – missions carried out by professionals and tentmakers from every vocation and trade.

We are tapping on the vast potential of this wave, riding on the technical know-how and professional knowledge of believers from every field and profession, to complement and complete the work of the gospel in the mission field. The involvement of this talented group of people, with their knowledge and skills, will bring the gospel holistically into the very midst of the poor and needy.

These people, known as professional equippers, are able to conduct training and pass on their knowledge in their various fields of expertise - in the commercial, education, medical, agricultural as well as veterinarian sectors - in order that the locals can be equipped and built up. And the training can be conducted via several platforms:

For example:

  • candle-making, basket and mat-weaving, toy-making and envelope-making, etc.

For example:

  • drawing, writing, language instruction and tuition, etc.

For example:

  • carpentry, electrical works, car and electrical repairs, etc.

For example:

  • farming, growing fruit crops, rearing of fish, pig, goat and sheep, etc.

For example:

  • medical services, nursing, engineering, IT and education, etc.

For example:

  • commercial accounting, Computer application, etc.

Therefore, even as the work continues to expand, locals who have been equipped with the technical know-how and skills will be able to support and take up responsibilities for the increasing needs of various ministries. This will gradually reduce the long term reliance on help from outside of the country.

Are you willing to be part of this team? Please contact us for further discussion and more information.