Unreached People Groups
Unreached People Ministry
Matthew 24:14 records that “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”. This implies that the end time will come when the Lord’s mission is accomplished. The most important sign of the second coming of Christ is recorded in this Bible verse and that is when “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations”. For this very reason we ought to be involved in the unreached people ministry in order to fulfill the commission of being “a testimony to all nations“.
There are still many people living in darkness. They would not have the opportunity to believe if we do not take the initiative to reach out to them and lead them to know the Lord.

1.In the sight of God, every people group and every person is equally important
Every people group and every person is precious in the sight of God. Just like the three parables taught by Jesus: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and The Prodigal Son. The Lost Sheep is important to the shepherd, and the Lost Coin is of sentimental value to the women, and the Prodigal Son is so loved by his father and given a position of honor. These three parables emphasize the point that every people group and every person is important to God.
2. The desire of God’s heart is to seek and save every people group and every person
The desire of God’s heart is shown through these three parables and He wants His Church and Christians to understand His heart so that we can fulfill His Heart’s desire and please Him. Therefore no matter how much it costs, we need to bring back that one lost sheep, the one lost coin and the prodigal son. Their responses could only be explained by the fact that they love dearly what were lost; be it a lost coin, a lost sheep or a prodigal son. They will never be satisfied until they find what was lost; they will continue searching.
3. God’s joy is fulfilled when He sees us seeking and saving every people group and every person
There is a saying that “Nothing makes God happier than when we find the lost”. The three parables ended in celebration, clearly indicating to us that to seek and save every people group and every person is what God desires of us. It is only when we have ministered to the unreached people groups that we are able to satisfy His heart.
In Asia, there are many ethnic groups living in abject poverty and backward conditions. Most of them are geographically located in remote mountainous regions. In addition, political restrictions and lack of economic pose tremendous challenges. If we do not take the initiative to move into their midst, they would never have the opportunity to hear the gospel.
In Asia, there are still countless people groups living in darkness, waiting for help to be freed from the bondage of darkness. Facing such great need and challenge, we deeply shared the same feeling as the early disciples, when they caught such a large number of fishes that their nets began to break. As a result, they had to call out to other fishermen. “…so they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink” (Luke 5:7). Likewise, we would also like to bring you the great challenge to reach the unreached people groups in Asia. We look forward to having you join us to adopt a people group ministry so that together we can accomplish God’s great commission.
Cambodia | :Kuy, khmer, etc |
Laos | :Laos, Khmu, Hmong, Akha, etc |
Vietnam | :Jarai, Ma, Hmong, Ede, Kinh, K’ho, Dao, Nung, etc |
Myanmar | :Burmese, Deang, Lisu, Lhaovo, Hmong, Dai, Lahu, Jingpo, etc |
Indonesia | :Dayak, Aceh, Pancana, Madura, etc |
Malaysia | :Orang Laut, Punan, Semai, Semelai, etc |
Thailand | :Thai, Hmong (White), Akha, Lahu, etc |
East Asia | :Bulang, Lhoba, Salar, Aini, Hui, Lalu, Dai, Deang, Bai, Tibetan, Naxi, Mosuo, Pumi, Lahu, Wa, Hani, Lama, Kazaks, Kongge, Mengba, etc |
1.Urban to Rural Missions: Churches are planted in the cities, where most of the people groups congregate to trade their goods. The urban church becomes the gospel-base to reach the unreached people. This will help to expedite evangelism in the mountainous region.
2.”Go Chess” Approach: Not one unreached people group lives in seclusion. They would either have other people groups living withing their vicinity, and in close contact with them. Such connection enables those reached for Christ to evangelize the unreached people groups. Please pray together with us to mobilize the reached people to evangelize their neighbours.
Diaspora Ministry
In addition, we also have Diaspora Ministry in Malaysia and Singapore. In our neighboring country, the ministry reaches out to immigrants from India, Bengal, Nepal, Vietnam, Iran and Cambodia, etc. At our very own door-step, we are partnering with various churches to reach out to immigrants in Singapore.
Thank God for He so loves the world. Praise God who loves each and every tribe. He would seek out the single lost sheep until He brings it back join the other ninety-nine who are safe in the fold. Therefore, let us follow the example of Jesus, working hand-in-hand and being of one accord to fulfill God’s will to reach and win the unreached people for His glory! Amen.
Please contact us if you are interested to know more about the ministry.