Children Ministry
There are many children worldwide living in poverty who face hunger, sickness and abuse daily.
For generations, many children have been living in the trap of poverty and illiteracy. Despite the differences in backgrounds, language and culture, they all face the same plight – poverty without even a chance of education.
In addition, these children, live like their parents and predecessors, live continually under the bondage of superstition and fear of the spirit world. Added to these are oppression, pressure and insecurities brought about by the political instability around them. Materially impoverished and spiritually oppressed, they really need the true light of the Gospel and to experience the love of God. Only God can deliver them from the yoke of sin, physical hardships, superstition and fear.

The Sponsor-A-Child Program (SAC) – for supporting the education of children living in poverty.
With the Sponsor-A-Child program set up by CNEC, 4000 children are given the opportunity of receiving an education. These children come from various places like Myanmar, North Thailand and West Kalimantan in Indonesia and now study in local public schools or mission schools set up by local churches. The churches as well as mission schools share the Gospel with these children and teach them God’s Word. Many of them have come to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour and are now wonderful testimonies in their own homes.
Student Centre Ministry – Supporting children from poor families for higher education in the city.
Because of the lack of secondary school education in the villages, many of these children who have graduated from primary school need to go to the city in order to continue their studies. Many of the families of these children are forced to borrow money or live from hand to mouth. Unfortunately, many of these children who study in the city have to cope with living in a new environment as well as the pressures of study and end up falling victim to drugs or bad company because of the lack of adult supervision,. By setting up ‘student centres’, CNEC aims to help such children to complete secondary school education or even university education. To date, more than 150 students from Myanmar, North Thailand and West Kalimantan are receiving care and spiritual nurture through these centres.
Children Home Ministry – providing shelter for orphans, children from single parent families and abandoned kids.
‘Grace Haven’, ‘Blessing Home’ and ‘Bethel Home’ have been taking in children who are abandoned, abused or homeless and caring for them with Christ’s love. Presently, 500 children in all have had the chance to study, receive adequate care in a large familial setting and benefit from spiritual feeding through the teaching of God’s Word.
Please contact us if you are interested to know more about the ministry.